

MHC Prof. “N. Shipkovenski” Ltd’s mission is carrying out activities to improve the quality of life of persons with acute and chronic mental illness, restoring health, control and stabilization of the violations, which cannot be removed, remove or alleviate the experience of suffering and psychological discomfort.

The vision of the hospital in the future is focused on providing unconditional medical care associated with quality of performance and safety of patients and staff, cooperating to complete a team of well trained and prepared the next generation of skilled professionals, introducing new medical techniques and innovations.

Aims and objectives of the hospital are:
– Improving the health status of mentally ill served by the dispensary, reducing mortality and often implemented suicides by them;
– Systematic monitoring of quality and efficiency of the preventive, curative, rehabilitative and social activities;
– Integrating the dispensary in the health system and mental health care, conducted jointly with government and NGOs;
– Health-educational work among the population on mental health promotion, the nature of mental illness and reduce the stigma of psychiatric patients in the community, using all opportunities provided by the media;
– Strict observance of the rights of patients and improve satisfaction of their needs, including their families and the community at large as partners in the healing process and the problems of mental health;
– Resistance to the company and its establishment as stable entrant mental health services, balancing home and social and regulatory interests of the patient and physician.